Monday, July 19, 2010


This post is quite long, take your time! Photobucket

On Tuesday, we'd Chinese Oral. Aww, the answers are almost the same. I die die simply choose one answer

I didn't go for school for three consecutive days as I'm going for an attachment which I can have the chance to get familiar with zebrafish. I haven't heard of zebrafish before, I'm not sure about you. But it definitely was an eye-opening experience, just like what I had during June holidays.

Basically, this attachment programme was held in A star, biopolis ( somewhere near Buona Vista). It was a fruitful experience I would say.

For the first day, everyone was very excited about zebrafish! Firstly, we collected their embryos from an adult male and an adult female! Next, we placed the embryos into four petri dish with egg water (no bacteria) and subsequently placed them into the 28C incubator to let them develop!

We're divided into 6 bench and each bench were assigned to one teratogen. Our teratogen is ethanol, which is a very very poisonous teratogen to embryos, in other words, it'll kill the embryos! Photobucket How pathetic. Despite knowing that the zebrafish will die, we need to continue carrying out the experiment!

Starting our teratogen treatment! Photobucket (please note that they'll throw these fish away at the end of the course as they don't want to affect the ecosystem!) We have three petri dishes and each one is diluted with 100ul, 250ul and 300ul of ethanol respectively. One petri dish, on the other hand, is used as a control. We then use a fine needle to introduce a hole in the chorion of the embryos under a light microscope. This is where we killed some fish because of violence. At the end of the day, we put the petri dishes back into incubator again.

People are so excited and so was I!

This is how zebrafish looks like under light microscope! They're very active!! cute little zebrafish.

On the second day, we dechorionated the zebrafish! Awww, this is awful, I tell you. Dechrionation, a new word for me, anyway, it's disgusting! Most importantly, I killed some zebrafish during this process... I didn't want to, but I accidentally did it. :( Apart from that, we counted the number of zebrafish that died. RIP. PhotobucketThis marked the end of second day.

Subsequently, on the third day. we observe the zebrafish again. All fish died, except those in control.... Hmmm, how pathetic. What tells you that die? When you see an opaque egg york, which is like blackish-shit in the middle of the embryos, that tells you they're dead. On the other hand, those which are still alive have translucent egg york, which you can see through clearly.

The zebrafish is almost developed after 60 hours. So, you can see its heartbeat as well as the blood flowing thought their body!


At the end of the programme, the ACS(B) students created a group at facebook called I LOVE ZEBRAFISH. It's time for you to love the nature! They really really need our help.

And.... I made new friends! Photobucket

It took me such a long time to finish this post.

You can also read related post from Wan Ting's blog! She went for the fruitfly research, which ewww-ed me!

Finally, this post is officially published! huh~

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bad News for Germany

Germany lost in the semi-final, so sad Photobucket cursed Paul, the octopus!!!!!!

I decided to blog today as I have this quite randomly taken but worth-to-see picture. It's us wearing our class tee shirt which has our name signed behind the shirt!!! I would say that it's uniquely designed, thanks to Christine, you're creative!!!!

Hi, we've got class! PhotobucketPhotobucket

Sorry for the blur image I have.

I'm gonna sit for my mother tongue oral next Monday, hope my legs won't turn jelly (the sign of being nervous) when I'm taking the test. Wan Ting took the test just now, don't know how she did, but sure she did very well, hey Wan Ting is smart, don't you know that? Photobucket

I love fish & co, I don't know why. I just feel an "attachment" towards it! Photobucket

Oh, I have another good recommendation. If you come to Singapore or you ARE in Singapore, do try out "Sogurt" at Bukit Timah Road, it really is nice, and I bet Wan Ting will like it, cause it's made of yogurt, that means it's healthy! May be the yogurt-ice-cream is slightly more expensive than what I used to pay for a cup of ice-cream in Island Creamery, but you should try it. Under what circumstances, you SHOULD TRY!!!! You can take as much as you want, according to how much you're going to eat. Before paying, they'll weigh your ice-cream, and you pay $3.30 for 100g. (yogurt-ice-creams are light) Go now, take your time, and indulge yourself in ice-cream. Photobucket

Not forgetting to mention that I met Lee Hui Hui that day at Hwa Chong bus stop. It's surprising, for me, as I didn't talk to her before, and we started our conversation in Sg! Two Malaysians started their very first conversation in Sg, is it weird?