Monday, December 7, 2009

I hv my own Acknowledgement !!!


My heartfelt thanks to my endlessly supportive parents who gimme lots of advices whenever i'm sad and sorrow as if i fall into a dark deep hole. I'm now okay, thx them again for leading me to pass through those blue days.

To my forever best friend, WanXin, a huge thx is given. You really help me a lot... I've had a wondeful memory which full of your faces in my mind. ^.^ Although you love to zat me, frankly, I know u don't mean that.

Another thanks to my small singing group, which taught me some singing skills. Wei Yi, Qi Jing, Xie Ying, Wan Xin, thank you.

Woei San, thanks for accompanying me from standard 4 till form 3.

Cynthia, my humongous thanks is dedicated to you, you're such a nice & special girl. It's my pleasure to be your friend. ^.^

Mandy, my very tall girlfriend, you're really great... and that makes me feel happy to be your boyfriend...

Felicia, great thanks to you and your drawings, I will bring them to s'pore and I'm really proud to hv a friend like you, the artist of tommorow!

Jyh Shinn, we formed a speaker team, really wonderful, thanks.

Zhai Yun, thanks for your humour, which made me amusing after all..^.^

Wenn Weoi, with love from heart, thanks for the times you shared with me.

Janva, thanks, you inspired me.

Kelvin, big daddy, thank you. : )

And finally, a grateful thanks to all 09' 3-zhongers. You guys hv given me a great opportunity to be a vice-monitor, and thank you for your cooperation, too.

Ahem, to those who I hv offended or displeased or made u feel nasty, I apologise, civilly.

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